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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Water memory and homeopathy.cmap, WATER MEMORY AND HOMEOPATHY 1. Homeopathy and water memory. a) Procedure: repeated dilution and agitation of water sample containing the molecules causing the effect which the remedy is intented to heal. "Alike likes alike" rule. b) Brings in mind vaccination cau- sing immune system to develop resistance. The procedure some- how seems to store information about the presence of the mole- cules and this information induces immune response. c) Ultra-naive objection of skeptic. The repeated dilution involved with the preparation of homeopathic re- medy implies that the density of molecules is so small that the mo- lecules can have absolutely no ef- fect. d) A lot of research is done by star- ting from idea that electro-magne- tic fields associated with the mole- cules in question store the informa- tion. Benveniste et al managed to record the VLF frequency finger print of bio-active molecules and record them in binary form allow- ing to to yield the same effect as the real bio-active molecule indu- ced. Benveniste was labelled as a fraud. e) Benveniste's work has been continued and HIV Nobelist Montagnier produced what might be regarded as remote replication of DNA using method very similar to that used in manufacturing ho- meopathic remedy., WATER MEMORY AND HOMEOPATHY 2. Dark photon-biophoton con- nection. a) Biophotons having spectrum in the visible and UV are decay products of dark cyclotron pho- tons with universal energy spec- trum if h_eff= h_gr connection is assumed. h_em= h_gr is also very natural assumption for ATP synthase which can be re- garded as a molecular motor whose rotation velocity appears in the formula for h_em. b) Any charged system in Earth's connected to Earth by flux tubes generates cyclotron dark photons decaying to biophotons. c) Biophotons induce transitions in biomolecules because the ener- gy range is in visible and UV. Magnetic bodies control bioche- mistry via resonant coupling with biophotons., WATER MEMORY AND HOMEOPATHY 4. Possible mechanism of water memory and homeopathy. a) Exclusion zones could define primordial life forms with genetic code. They are able to detect the presence of invader molecule from its cyclotron frequency spectrum. They form memory representations of the invader mole- cules in terms of dark proton sequences defi- ning dark genes which later are transformed to chemical genes coding for proteins recogn- izing the presence of invader molecule and attaching to them by h_eff reducing phase transition reducing the length of connecting flux tube. This would have been the primor- dial immune system. b) Later dark genetic code transformed to chemical genetic code as dark DNA strands were formed around dark double strands and large number of other biological functions emerged besides immune response. c) The mechanical agitation in the manufactu- ring of homeopathic remedy generates exclu- sion zones and new primitive life forms by providing the needed energy. These in turn recognize and memorize invader molecules or their already existing representations as exclusion zones., WATER MEMORY AND HOMEOPATHY 1. Exclusion zones and fourth phase of water. a) Pollack et al discovered what they call exclusion zones and fourth gel like phase of water. b) Exclusion zones are negative- ly charged regions of water with positively charged environment. They act like batteries and have rather exotic properties: for instance various impurities are repelled from exclusion zone c) The stoichiometry of water is H1.5O: every fourh proton is taken to the positively charged environment. d) TGD proposal: protons go to the flux tubes of the magnetic body of the exclusion zone and form dark proton sequences. e) Dark proton sequences reali- ze vertebrate genetic code. Counterparts for DNA,RNA, ami- no-acids and even tRNA. f) Flux tubes could appear as U- shaped pairs with magnetic fluxes running in opposite direc- tions. The dark protons at the two flux tubes could form spin singlet Cooper pairs, L=2. Magnetic field would stabilize the pairs: the interaction ener- gy would be large due to the large value of h_eff. The pair of flux tubes would define the analog of DNA double strand. This kind of structure has been earlier proposed to be accompa- ny cell membrane., WATER MEMORY AND HOMEOPATHY 3. Molecular level recognition mechanism as building brick of primitive immune system: a) Molecules have U-shaped flux tube loops with fluxes going in opposite directions. This makes possible super-conductivity. b) The flux loops can reconnect and this leads to the formation of 2 parallel flux tubes con- necting two systems. Stable reconnection re- quires that magnetic field strengths are same at the flux tubes. Same cyclotron frequencies and resonant interaction. This would define mo- lecular mechanism of recognition and sensing presence of invader molecules. c) Natural to expect that the systems with magnetic body areconstantly varying the thick- nesses of the flux tubes and in order to recon- nect with the magnetic body of possible inva- der. d) How system could stabilize itself so that it would receive signals only from one kind of molecule specified by its cyclotron frequency spectrum. The flux tube thicknesses should be stabilized. e) Could dark proton sequences allow to stabi- lize the flux tube thickness? Dark proton sequen- ces have also interpretation as dark DNA sequ- ences. Could they code some information a- bout the invader molecule, say about the knotting and braiding of its magnetic body? The model for living system as topological quan- tum computer utilizing 2-braiding for string world sheets at 4-D space-time leads to the idea that 3-D coordinate grids formed by flux tubes are central for TQC: each node of grid is characterized by 6 bits telling about the topology of the node concerning 2-braiding. Could the 6 bits of dark DNA code for the local topology of the invader molecule and an the flux tube complex mimicking it?